Bareera Logistics & Shipping

Inland Transportation

Streamlined & versatile transport to and from port

Moving goods from port to port is not always enough. In many cases, some inland transportation is also required. That is where Bareera Logistics and Shipping can help you. Our inland transportation professionals can provide various services for all your inland transportation needs.

Deliver your goods at the right place and at the right time with our flexible inland transportation services covering FCL and LCL by rail or road.

How we handle Inland Transportation

Bareera Logistics and Shipping strives to provide our customers with the best one-stop freight and transportation solutions and air freight and sea freight services. We can also provide comprehensive door-to-door services for all land shipments.

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    All types of cargo.

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    From the inland address to the port or airport.

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    Transportation across Europe

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    From ports and airports to inland destinations.

Afghan transit service

Experience the huge opportunity of Afghan Transit Trade through Pakistan! Bareera Logistics and Shipping offers the best transit freight services in Pakistan. We work with leading Afghan transit logistics providers in Karachi, Torkham, and Chaman to provide a complete logistics solution for customers exporting to Afghanistan from or via Pakistan. We provide customs clearance and cargo transportation in Karachi port, at the border, and in Afghanistan.

Have additional questions? contact one of our agents!

Office No. 705, Anum Estate, Shahra-e-Faisal, Near Shaheed e Millat Flyover, Karachi Pakistan 75350

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We help customers across the country streamline supply chains operations and manage operating costs. Learn how our integrated solutions meet your specific business goals and improve your competitiveness.